Fourth: Umrah

Umrah is a brief part of Hajj. But it includes only: ihraam, tawaaf, and then shaving or shortening. And shall be at any time of the year.
(Ihraam) is obligatory for Hajj, but it is not permissible to perform ihraam on the Day of the Sunnah, and not only in the months of Hajj. Ihram also comes from the times or the spatial boundaries such as Hajj, so you must not exceed those times or borders.
Once the structure of ihraam is recited, it is haraam for the pilgrim to perform Hajj on all occasions of ihraam. And the Umrah has begun in 'Umrah.
2 - Talib: After Ihramk begin in Talib and continue and go to the Holy House, and do not stop praying only after you receive the black stone (or reference) and began tawaaf.
3) The raft: After going to Mecca, go to the Sacred House. The seven steps of the Kaaba will start with the Black Stone, or by its side and end with it, and you will be shrouded in the sand. And then pray two rak'ahs behind the shrine of Ibrahim or anywhere in the Haram al-Sharif in the year of tawaaf.
4 - seek: then go to Safa begin to seek between Safa and Marwa seven runs starting from Safa and ends at Marwa, where you climb on the Safa and calls and then start the quest and then call at Marwa and then continue to seek. For men, they run in the distance between the green markers in the quest. The woman does not run away.
5. Shave or shorten: Then shave your head or default. And shaving is better, of course, for the prayer of the Prophet three times with forgiveness for those who are forgiven. For women, she cuts her hair as much as she can.

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And so you have disobeyed your ihraam and completed the work of 'Umrah.


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